It is worth noting that the project "Improving the meaningful impact of women in relief, recovery and peace operations in Yemen" is being implemented by Generations Without Qat in the districts of Salh and Shamaytain in Taiz Governorate during the period January to December 2023. The project targets the local authority, civil society organizations, and entrepreneurs in the two districts.
Monday, July 17, 2023, Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development inaugurated a training course on “protection issues” in the Salh district of Taiz Governorate, within the framework of the project “Improving the Meaningful Impact of Women in Relief, Recovery and Peace Operations.”
The training course aims to build and strengthen the capacities of the local authority in the Salh district of Taiz governorate, and other relevant authorities on protection issues.
The project coordinator confirmed, in a press statement, that "training protection topics for the local authority will contribute to helping the authority better understand its role and legal obligations in protecting the population at risk."
He explained that "the training will contribute to the participants' acquisition of the skills of problem-solving and decision-making in gender-based violence issues, case management for women, girls, and children, linking the system to the map of service providers and the role of the local authority in the referral pathways, in addition to the importance of protection committees and their societal roles, and the exchange of experiences on protection as well as the mechanism of activating protection committees in the district and at the governorate level."
The training, which will last for four days, will include working groups and open discussions on the importance of activating the National Plan for Women by UN Resolution 1325 in promoting and protecting women and children, and enhancing women's participation in rebuilding societies.