Generations Without Qat for Awareness and Development concluded distributing rain bags to displaced families at IDP hosting sites in Mawza district, Taiz governorate.
Rain bags were distributed to the displaced families in the sites of "Al-Buhairi, Al-Malawi and Jisr Rasyan" to the displaced families in the Mawza' district, west of Taiz Governorate, on the western coast, to alleviate the suffering of the displaced families who live in camps and are affected by the rain, and lose food, private property, and official documents.
That comes within the framework of the project "Enhancement of access to protection and humanitarian services for the host community and the most vulnerable displaced persons through a multi-sectoral and integrated project in water, sanitation and camp management in the districts of Al-Wazi'a and Mawza'a in Taiz Governorate", which is implemented by the #Generations_Without_Qat_Awareness_and_Development Organization with funding from the #Yemen_Humanitarian_Financing_Fund