United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Generations without Qat (GWQ) Successfully Deliver the Completed Projects of SIERY 2022 to Local Authorities and Jointly Launch the next new projects of SIERY 2023 in Taiz Governorate.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Generations without Qat (GWQ) Successfully Deliver the Completed Projects of SIERY 2022 to Local Authorities and Jointly Launch the next new projects of SIERY 2023 in Taiz Governorate.
Taiz, Yemen – May 21, 2024 – In a significant move to boost the resilience of local institutions and improve infrastructure in Taiz Governorate, the #UNDP, in coordination with the Ministry of Local Administration, has successfully executed and delivered completed development projects. Additionally, new projects for the #SIERY 2023 phase have been launched in the governorate.
These projects fall under the SIERY initiative, aimed at strengthening institutional and economic resilience in Yemen, funded by the #European_Union and implemented by the UNDP in partnership with #GWQ.
Projects were designed to address the dire needs of the community as identified by local authorities, these projects are essential for the institutional and economic recovery of #Yemen.
The development projects include various sectors, focusing on enhancing infrastructure and multi sectoral facilities in the both Salah and Al-Muzaffar districts.
The projects have been delivered include:
1- Infrastructure Improvement in Sala District: Seven streets in Al-Ashbat area were paved with reinforced concrete, covering 4,180 square meters, greatly benefiting approximately 31,404 people.
2-Public Health Enhancement in Al-Muzaffar District: A comprehensive sewage network was established in Al-Dar area, covering 1,800 meters, which will serve 7,544 people and help reduce environmental and health risks related to sewage waste.
During today visit, the mission team has visited the paving of Thabat Road project which already previously was completed, handed over and inspected in the presence of Taiz Governorate’s Governor, Mr. Nabil Shamsan. The project, which paved 576 linear meters, directly benefited 5,400 individuals in the district. The community warmly welcomed the completion of the road work and its effective impact, fulfilling a long-held dream.
Furthermore, a new project for maintaining asphalt roads in the Sala District has been initiated as part of the second phase of SIERY projects.
Overall, these projects have directly or indirectly benefited around 44,348 individuals in the targeted areas, contributing significantly to the broader goals of the SIERY initiative. These efforts ensure economic and social well-being, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable in Yemen, and address urgent developmental challenges to promote stability, peace, and development in the country.
Local authorities have played an active role in these efforts, providing essential support through needs assessment, coordination, monitoring, supervision, and information exchange.
Distinguished/Directors/ Managers Representatives attended the event:
Attendees from the Local Authority- Taiz:
Deputy Governor: Mr. Rashad Al-Akhali
Director of Planning and International Cooperation Office: Mr. Nabil Jamal
Social Affairs and Labor Office: Mr. Fouad Al-Faqih
Water and Sanitation Foundation: Eng.Sadiq Al-Taba’i.
Director of Sala District: Eng. Aref Al-Yousifi
Representatives from UNDP:
National SIERY Coordinator for Yemen: Mr. Basem Al-Suqqair
Field Coordinator: Nassar Arhab
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: Ms. Weidyani
GWQ Leadership:
Chairwoman : Ms. Layla Al-Faqih
Executive Director: Mr. Fawaz Al-Khalidi
SIERY Project Team.
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