.A delegation from the European Union and the United Nations Development Program visited Lahj Governorate to review the "SIERY" projects implemented for the year 2024.

.A delegation from the European Union and the United Nations Development Program visited Lahj Governorate to review the "SIERY" projects implemented for the year 2024.

A high-level delegation from the #European_Union and the #United_Nations_Development_Programme in Yemen (UNDP Yemen) visited #Lahj Governorate to follow up on the achievements of the "#SIERY" project implemented for the year 2024, funded by the European Union - implemented by the United Nations Development Program and Generations Without Qat Organization

The visit began with the official opening by the Governor of Lahj of the "Agricultural and Veterinary Guidance Center" in the #Al-Hawtah Directorate, one of the most prominent "SIERY" projects aimed at supporting the agricultural sector and empowering #rural_communities, as the center is a key axis in providing advisory and rehabilitation services to farmers and livestock breeders, which contributes to enhancing #food_security and improving #livelihoods.
During the visit, the delegation met with local authorities, represented by the governor of the governorate, to follow up on the implementation of #development projects in the governorate, and to see the extent to which local authorities have regained their role in achieving stability by preparing needs plans in cooperation with the community. The outputs and results achieved thanks to the support provided were also discussed, in addition to reviewing the most prominent challenges facing implementation and putting forward several recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the achieved successes

The discussions also included local authorities' plans to maintain the continuity of the approach promoted by the project, which contributed to reactivating the role of local authorities after the decline they witnessed during the years of conflict. Ways to expand the scope of this methodology to other directorates were also discussed, in a way that enhances local development and ensures its sustainability

In this context, the attendees discussed the progress of preparing the development, economic, and social plan for Lahj Governorate, which aims to enhance stability and achieve #sustainable_development

The visit concluded with a field tour that included the project to build and furnish the #literacy_and_adult_education_device in Al-Hawtah District, in addition to the project to equip and furnish the emergency department at Al-Wahtah Hospital in Tuban District, both of which were implemented with the support of the project. During the tour, the delegation met with several beneficiaries who expressed their satisfaction with the efforts made to implement these projects, praising the role of local authorities and international partners in improving the level of basic services and meeting the needs of the community
#بعثة_الاتحاد_الأوروبي في اليمن

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