07 09 2021 The conclusion of the training workshop for networking between civil society organizations in the districts of Al-Qaherah and Mudhaffar in Taiz Governorate 1101 Taiz: On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, the training workshop for networking between civil society organizations and women groups concluded in the distr
07 09 2021 For the first in Yemen, Generations Without Qat Organization trains "Deaf and Dumb" in Taiz on "integral governance and social accountability." 992 Taiz: GWQ trained a group of young men and women in Taiz in the "deaf and dumb" category on "integral governance and social accountability" within
07 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Concludes Three Training Courses on "Inclusive Governance and Social Accountability" 890 Taiz: Today, Tuesday, June 22, 2021, Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development
07 09 2021 The participants received during a course in the basics of debate and scientific research organized by the 946 The participants received during a course in the basics of debate and scientific research organized by the
07 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Concludes Four Training Courses on Inclusive Governance and Social Accountability. 969 Taiz: Today, June 17, 2021, four training courses on inclusive governance and social accountability were concluded
07 09 2021 During the first quarter, 323 beneficiaries of the training courses for the project to enhance community participation in Taiz. 946 Taiz: Within the project “Strengthening community participation, building the capacity of civil society organizations, youth and women’s initiatives,
07 09 2021 Generations without Qat organize an introductory workshop on the project of Rehabilitation of Sustainable and Emergency Water and Sanitation Service in Taiz. 1126 Taiz: Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development organized today, Sunday, May 30, 2021, the introductory workshop for the p
07 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development continues to respond to the call of the displaced in the Al-Mukha district 1115 Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development continues to respond to the call of the displaced in the Al-Mukha district
06 09 2021 Generations without Qat discusses with the International Migration IOM joint coordination to cover the needs of the displaced 1010 Generations Without Qat Awareness and Development Organization, the humanitarian coordinator in the West Coast, met with th