06 09 2021 Conclusion of the T0T, Training of Trainers Course on Governance and Social Accountabilit 1002 Taiz: Saturday, April 3, 2021, the #Generations_Without_Qat_Awareness and Development Organization concluded
06 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Concludes the Training Course on “Governance and Sustainable Development” in Taiz. 1023 Taiz: The #Generations_Without_Qat_Awareness and Development Organization in Taiz concluded a training course for the executive bodies of the local a
06 09 2021 Generations without Qat organizes a workshop for community leaders and mosque preachers in Taiz 978 Taiz: Within the "project to motivate the community to adopt basic community health practices 5+1" (C4D) in the districts o
06 09 2021 The Director of the Education Project at Generations Without Qat Organization holds a coordination meeting with the Director of the Education 990 March 30, 2021, the Director of the Education Project at Generations Without Qat Organization for Awareness and
06 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Inaugurates a Training Course on "Debate Skills" in Taiz 1027 Taiz: Saturday, March 27, 2021, the organization #Generations_Without_Qat_for_awareness_and_development in the city of Taiz opened a training course o
06 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Concludes a Special Training Course for Executive Bodies in the Local Authority in Seven Districts of Taiz on "Strategic Planning" 1031 Taiz Thursday, March 18, 2021, Generations Without Qat Organization Awareness and De
06 09 2021 NRC visits Generations without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development-Sana'a branch. 1040 Sana'a: Thursday, March 18, 2021, Ibrahim Mohammed Zuhair, Senior Relationship Officer at NRC, and Nizar Al-
06 09 2021 Generations Without Qat checks the conditions of families affected by the fire in Mawza' area, west of Taiz 1004 Sunday March 14, 2021, Generations without Qat Organization for Awareness and Development, the
06 09 2021 Generations Without Qat Concludes "The Sustainable Development" Training Course for CSOs and Women's Groups in Taiz. 982 Taiz: Within the framework of the "Enhancing community participation, building the capacity of CSOs and youth and women initiatives and activating th